Part 15: Gharik's Mod
Update 015: Gharik's Mod

Their AI is also of the "keep away" ranged AI type which means that they'll often do stuff like this and end up under platforms that you're on.

The little island in the lava down there is a very nice thing they put in every lava pit in Gharik's Forge, which lets you teleport back out to the nearest ledge by touching it. It's almost like someone on the team was good at game design.

Generally the challenges in here, aside from fire elementals, are finding ways across various forms of lava.

Pitfully I couldn't figure out how to extend this bridge, so I ended up having to brute force it. What you're meant to do, is to find this hidden door to the right and activate the secret mechanism within...

Now, I actually found the hidden room, but can YOU see the hidden lever in here?

Once you see it, it's super obvious, but in movement it really blends into the walls. The fucking wall textures...

Instead, Deadeye gets to be the man of the hour again with Jump.

In a moment of mildly clever monster placement, there's an open space with lava at the bottom below this walkway, so as you walk across, the fire elementals navigate up and around it and it's kind ambush-like. Since facing doesn't matter much, it's not a very effective ambush, especially as it puts the fire elementals within reach of Bobelix and Deadeye's sharp objects, but it's an attempt.

The other monster type in Gharik's Forge besides elementals is the Sorcerer/Magician/Warlock trio. They're easier to close to combat with, and since our main strategy is to beat their dumb nerd heads in, the Warlocks' trick of making the party go Insane does somewhat backfire as it just lets the party hit them even harder.

While the party does that, let's have a look at the map for Gharik's Forge.

It looks a lot more complicated than it is because the Forge has a lower level with some rooms under each other, and it curls up on itself sort of. In practice, however, it's relatively linear.

While individually of no account, Gharik's Forge does not skimp on volume and there are some insanely large wizard clusters to battle through at points.

Anyway, THIS is probably what most people remember Gharik's Forge for, an honest to god PUZZLE! You've got a bridge to move around! Doorways to open! You've got to move the bridge into position and open the right doorway so you can get over. However, after fiddling with it for a few minutes...

I suspect everyone remembered they had Jump in their spellbooks and just bypassed the entire room, feeling very clever about it.

This crystal room has two things worth noticing.

A super sweet suit of chainmail on the ground, HELL yeah.

And a lore note, reminding us that this place was run by the brother of the guy who took over the Silver Helmets after killing John Silver. We'd be blocked from progressing deeper here, by the way, unless we had the key to Gharik's Forge from their fortress. But thankfully, we do! Because we're clever.

Now, what could be behind this door...

The only fight in this place that I actually had to retreat from halfway to reload, recharge and get ready to fight again. There are just a shitload of dudes here and zero cover, so you're going to be right in the line of fire for 20-something wizards and elementals that all want to toast you up good. Plus everything here has enough hit points and fire resistance that neither fireballs or ring of fire will clear them quicker than just focusing them down one by one. In general M&M6 has poor crowd control options, as Fireball is the only one that scales particularly well and a combination of semi-common fire resistance and enemies loving to get up in your face somewhat negate its ability to fuck nerds up.

Eventually, though, the hordes are whittled down except for a few fire elementals hiding in the... lava sewers?

There are a few pieces of mediocre equipment and some chunks of gold behind them, I hunt it down and proceed into the inner sanctum of Gharik's Forge.

I'm genuinely surprised this room features no cruel traps. A bunch of elementals spawning while heading up the spiral staircase could make the player panic and step over the edge. I know my own jerky reflexes would almost certainly have caused that.

Another lava moat complete with requisite fire elemental ambush off to the sides. My response is to leg it across before they show up to play and just have Deadeye punch the sorcerer over there out of the way.

This "door" also looks wildly out of place, perhaps because I know what dungeon that texture re-occurs in, though.

The last fight is almost laughable compared to the magma sewer, a half dozen warlocks that get their brains beaten to paste in less than a minute.

The bookshelf disgorges a whole four books, three of which the party actually doesn't universally know yet(but none of which remain relevant since Dark and Light magic have superceded them, still, it satisfies my completionism somewhat).

And the chest, of course, has our quest objective for Newton out in Mist. Let's go see him.

Let's hope he remembers us.




(several minutes and several more Starbursts and Meteor Showers later...)

6 of 6 Council Quests completed
12 of 12 Promotion Quests completed
0 of 1 traitors dealt with
Is the party ready for this?
A: Hell yeah these tough dudes and dudettes can take anything. Let them at this, surely the last, Temple of Baa!
B: Uhhhhhhhhh this looks scary. How about some other, less spooky, dungeon somewhere else? And maybe visiting a couple of new areas? A vacation somewhere off the coast sounds nice!